Monday, March 11, 2013

Beamer update

I'm just posting an update after Beamer's big day. He was really pissed off at me when he did not get breakfast that morning. He is such a food motivated dog, too, so that doesn't help.

We did his procedure at about 11am Friday morning. I wanted to try to do it with just a local anesthesia on him and if that didn't work, we could go to sedation. But, he did absolutely wonderful with the local. I held him in my lap while my wonderful vet injected the area with some Lidocaine (after shaving part of his beautiful golden mane).

After 15 minutes, I got him back out and laid him on my lap again while my vet removed his lump. It looked like a sebaceous cyst since we some some white material after removing it. Beamer got 4 sutures in and he was done. He got lots of pill pockets and treats afterwards plus he finally got to eat his breakfast a bit late.

It's been a slight challenge to keep him from playing with Sadie, our black lab. But, otherwise he has been doing really really well. He doesn't even mind wearing his cone at night. Now, it is just a waiting game until we get the biopsy report back. Here are a few pictures of his incision and where it is.

In other news, I started house sitting last night for an old yorkie. I'm house sitting Sunday through Sunday and I have to go during lunch and stay the nights. I meant to take ear plugs with me last night because the previous house-sitter told me he is restless at night, but I forgot. I didn't sleep well probably because of that and just being in a new place. He is on a lot of different medications for his multiple problems as well. It will all be worth it in the end since I'm getting paid $30 a day.

Today is also my mom's birthday! So, a big shout out to my wonderful mom. She has been so supportive of me and my dreams since day one. I couldn't ask for a better mom or best friend. We are both really close and share everything with each other. It is going to be hard to move almost 1/2 way across the country and not be able to see her everyday or even every month like I was when I was at Virginia Tech. So, Happy Birthday, Mom! I Love you!!

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